Trans Men and Sexual Orientation

Transgender men can feel isolated from their peers. Some of them work in entertainment, such as bars and karaoke clubs, which can include sex work.

The next step is hormone therapy, also known as hRT. This can cause their bodies to shift toward the gender they identify as. This can result in facial hair growth and a deeper voice.

Gender identity

Gender identity refers to how a person feels internally about their gender. It is different than sexual orientation, which refers to how a person feels about their sex. There is a wide range of ways that people express their gender. Some people use more masculine language, others use more feminine language or a combination of both. Some people may also use terms like non-binary or transgender, although these are less common.

The way that someone identifies is personal and should not be used to judge or discriminate. People who feel more feminine may prefer to be called “women,” while those who feel more masculine might prefer to be called “men.” It is important to ask a person what term they would prefer, and to respect their answer.

Most medical organizations recognize that transition-related care is necessary and should be covered by private or public insurance. However, access to this care can be difficult for many people.


Despite the assumption that trans men are only interested in having sex with other men, research shows a diversity of sexual orientation identities among trans people. In one study, trans GB-MSM reported a full range of current and past sexual partners, including both women and men. Sexual orientation did not change during hormone transition, and preference matched partner gender in >80% of cases.

For example, Dee has been on hormones for ten months and feels much more fluid sexually than before her transition. She gets pleasure from her front hole, vagina, dick, and clitoris and enjoys using sex toys.

Sex with a trans man can be sexy, but you need to be aware of the differences in anatomy and body language. And don’t assume that all trans men want to be dominated — as with all people, some people are naturally dominant and some people are submissive. It’s best to play it safe and ask about preferences for words, touch, and sex acts.


In some cases, gender-affirming hormone therapy and other surgery can raise health concerns. These may include increased risk of heart and circulatory problems, as well as obesity, high cholesterol levels and diabetes.

For example, a trans man who has undergone top surgery to create a male-contoured chest (mastectomy) and a hysterectomy-oophorectomy has some breast tissue remaining, which can develop cancer. He may also be at greater risk for STIs, such as HIV and HPV.

Testosterone treatment can reduce the cellularity of the cervical lining and decrease the effectiveness of Pap tests, which screen for abnormal cells that could lead to cervical cancer. It can also increase triglycerides, blood sugar and blood pressure.

Despite these challenges, transgender men should seek medical care that is inclusive and respectful of their needs. It’s important to talk to your health care provider about your health history, including surgeries and hormone therapy. You can also find support groups that offer help and encouragement.


Many trans men and nonbinary people experience loneliness and poor mental health. This can be exacerbated by societal expectations or discrimination. Providing support can make all the difference.

Talking about gender is a great place to start. Using resources, like educational books and videos, can help avoid misunderstandings or offensive language. Remember to respect your partner’s privacy and boundaries, and don’t ask uncomfortable or intrusive questions.

Educate yourself about how gender can impact your health care. Some doctors and hospitals are reluctant to treat transgender patients, even for issues that have nothing to do with their transition. This is often rooted in ignorance and fear, rather than bigotry.

Black Transmen, Inc. is an organization that provides positive and affirming support to the transmasculine community through their EmpowerHIM program. They offer peer-to-peer mentoring, access to resources and financial assistance for name changes. Donations are tax deductible.