What is a Transvestite?

A transvestite is a person who dresses as the opposite gender. Often, this is done for entertainment purposes. A transvestite is different from a cross-dresser, which is a heterosexual man who wears clothing traditionally associated with women. A cross-dresser does not want to change their gender. They are simply dressed in the wrong clothes. Definition… Continue reading What is a Transvestite?

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What is Transgender?

Transgender is the name given to someone who identifies as having a gender that differs from their assigned one at birth. This can be a woman who was assigned male at birth or a man who was assigned female. Transitioning to your true gender can be a challenging process for many people. It can include… Continue reading What is Transgender?

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What is a Trans Woman?

A trans woman is a person who has gender identity and/or gender expression that is different from what their assigned sex was at birth. They can experience feelings of gender dysphoria and may want to change their sex. Many people have misconceptions about trans women. These misconceptions can lead to discrimination and other negative outcomes.… Continue reading What is a Trans Woman?

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What is a Transsexual?

The term transsexual is used to describe someone who has an internal sense of gender that does not match their sex assigned at birth. They may change their appearance, body, name or legal gender marker to reflect this. While the majority of people in the transgender community approve the term, some find it offensive. A… Continue reading What is a Transsexual?

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Trans Men and Pregnancy

Trans men are people who were assigned female at birth but whose gender identity is male. They may be transgender, cisgender or nonbinary and have any sexual orientation. HIV risk among trans men is under-researched, especially in Africa where these men are vulnerable and engage in sex work. We conducted a multi-method study to characterize… Continue reading Trans Men and Pregnancy

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How to Find Trans Personals Online

The internet has become a great place to find trans personals. Whether you’re looking for a casual date or a serious relationship, there’s something out there for everyone. Here are some of the best dating websites for transgenders. These sites are free to join and use, and they’re a great way to meet new people.… Continue reading How to Find Trans Personals Online

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What is a Transvestite?

Transvestism is the practice of dressing in the attire traditionally associated with the opposite sex. In some cultures, transvestism is viewed as an outdated and immoral act, while in other cultures, it is practiced for religious or ceremonial reasons. Cross-dresser A cross dresser is a guy dressed up as a girl. It is not to… Continue reading What is a Transvestite?

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The Rights of Transgender Persons

Transgender persons have gender identity that is different from the sex assigned at birth. Many people who identify as transgender experience feelings of dysphoria, and seek to alleviate this through transitioning. People who identify as transgender often adopt a new name and a set of pronouns. About 1.4 million adults in the United States identify… Continue reading The Rights of Transgender Persons

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The Myths About Trans Women

There are many misconceptions about being trans. This is particularly true for the myth that being trans is not possible. However, this is simply not true. It is entirely possible for a woman to transition. In fact, it is a much more common occurrence than you might think. Gender identity Gender identity is a key… Continue reading The Myths About Trans Women

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Transsexuals and Gender Dysphoria

Transsexuals, also known as gender fluid, gender dysphoric, or gender non-conforming, are individuals who identify as a different gender than their physical gender. Many transsexuals experience feelings of anxiety and depression, and may be addicted to substances. Some may also suffer from suicidal ideations and social isolation. Taking hormones to suppress physical characteristics of their… Continue reading Transsexuals and Gender Dysphoria

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