What is a Transsexual?


A transsexual is a person who identifies with the sex that is opposite to their assigned gender. They may transition to that sex through medical changes, including hormones and surgery.

Initially, this term was used in the medical field to refer to people who had undergone gender-affirming surgeries. However, it has since expanded to include all transgender individuals.

Gender identity

Gender identity is a person’s internal, deeply-held sense of who they are. It may be the same as their sex assigned at birth (cisgender), or it might be different.

Gender identities are different than sexual orientation, which is related to how a person feels about whom they are attracted to on a physical and emotional basis. People who have gender identity also express that identity through their name, pronouns, clothing, hair style, behavior and body features.

When a person’s gender identity doesn’t match their sex assigned at birth, they are a transgender individual. Transgender people can have feelings of distress about their sex (gender dysphoria).


Sexuality is a person’s attraction to others in a physical, emotional or romantic way. It is often a complex, confusing and evolving concept.

People identify with many different sexual orientations. Some are attracted to men, women and both genders.

This is a spectrum and doesn’t mean that a person can’t have sex.

Bisexual is one of the most common sexual orientations, and it describes a person who is attracted to both men and women.

Pansexual is another, and it refers to a person who is attracted to any sex or gender identity.

Transgender is another, and it describes a person who does not have the same sex as they were assigned at birth. They often choose to change their sex through hormonal and/or surgical intervention.


Health is an important issue for transgender individuals because it relates to their gender identity and expression. They may have a variety of health concerns, including issues with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV infection, and mental health problems.

Health care for transgender individuals can often be complicated, because many health providers aren’t knowledgeable about the unique needs of trans patients. Those who do have trans expertise need to be trained on how to support patients in the context of their own identities and experiences.

In addition to physical barriers, transgender individuals may encounter social and economic challenges that can negatively impact their health. For example, a lack of access to affordable health care and housing puts transgender people at risk for poor mental and physical health.

Legal status

Legal status is an important issue for transsexual people because it provides a means for them to self-determine in ways recognised by law. In countries with a well-developed social policy on gender identity, the law recognizes transsexuality as a human right and prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person’s gender.

In the United Kingdom, for example, gender reassignment is protected from discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. Sex reassignment occurs when a person undergoes surgery or another process to change the physical and/or other attributes of their sex (Equality Act 2010, section 7).


Employment is the process of finding work or earning a paycheck. It can take many forms, such as being self-employed or working as a fixed-term employee.

In the workplace, employers can make trans employees feel supported and accepted by making changes such as providing gender-neutral bathrooms or asking employees to use their preferred pronouns. They can also create policies that allow people to change their name without fear of discrimination or retaliation.

As with all aspects of sexuality, transsexuality is a complex issue that requires attention from both the individual and their employer. Developing a comprehensive approach to support someone going through a gender transition can be difficult, but it is essential for a successful outcome.